Monday, April 7, 2014

Bilingualism Makes the World a Smaller and Better Place


I think I really need to attend translation classes, or maybe courses. Because since a few years back, I keep receiving requests (or offers?) to translate various kinds of texts. Speech texts, theses, abstracts, a list of thousands sentences, hadith texts, and many more. But regrettably, I wasn't able to complete the tasks. Most of the times it was because of my own inability to translate those texts perfectly, especially when it comes to translation from Malay/English to Arabic. I raise my hands and surrender. If it's the other way, around inshaAllah I can try.

If only I am capable enough to do the translations. Then maybe I can opt to become a translator as I used to hope for. It is kinda sad when I need to reject all the requests that had been given to me. The only translation project that I've done is translation of Sahih Bukhari hadith into Malay. ( However, my bad, it has been almost two years since I last updated that blog. I will continue it inshaAllah. I wanna help Malays to at least know the direct meanings of Sahih Bukhari hadith. It is quite rare actually to find Malay translation of Sahih Bukhari hadith. We do have it, but usually it is in Indonesian Malay.

Somehow all the requests I have once received made me think that it's very important to have knowledge in other languages as well as to be excellent in them. We are living in  a world where globalisation is expanding to its highest point and we can't deny that languages are vital, since they are the bridge that connects two and more cultures. Proficiency in other languages is absolutely an extra bonus for us especially in seeking knowledge. When we understand lots of languages, obviously we will have a vast choice of reading materials. That's very powerful.

In short, bilingualism really benefits us in many fields. In self improvement, world view, relationship with others, as well as in careers. It's not about bragging that we can speak in various languages, it's about making the world a smaller place for us, with less strange things and people. When we know other people's language, we will feel near to them. A sort of attachment that only a mutual language can bring.

Join me. Together we raise a multilingual society that understand more about each other. Insha Allah. :)


Unknown said...

salam.sajidah yg blog sahih bukhari tu sajid traslate full hadis lengkap sume hadis satu buku ke?

Sajida said...

Kita baru tiba bab ilmu tak silap. Cuba aeak tgk kalau smpat. Kita start dr awal bab. Translate hadith pendek2 ikut bab. Hehe. Sikit je.