Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Having Breakfast in Arabic Language


It's morning here! Don't you feel it will be great if you can enjoy your morning in Arabic language? :D Waking up with a prayer to Him, greeting your loved ones in Arabic, invite them to breakfast in Arabic and having a chit chat during breakfast in Arabic! I bet you would love to be able to do so, right? ;)

Believe me Arabic Language is very beautiful and different from other languages. Especially because it gives us the good feeling (while using it) since we know we are talking in the same language as our beloved prophet Muhammad sollallahu 'alaihi wasallam.

And you know something? For me, nothing is cuter than a little (non arab) kid speaking in Arabic fluently. ^__^

Insha Allah once in a while I will share with you some of the common terms used in morning conversations. So, stay tuned everybody!

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